Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Field Trip

Yesterday we enjoyed a field trip to the Rochester Federal Courthouse. We were able to see what a Federal Probation Officer does AND we even got to see a real court room! Our students roll played a bank robbery. Who was the bank robber you ask??? ... ME, Mrs. Meyer. The jury spent almost no time to deliberate and found me GUILTY! The kind judge spared me 11 months in jail. This was a wonderful experience to learn about all the people that are involved in a trial. Our students had the opportunity to play court marshals, a court reporter, a stenographer, lawyers, jury members, the judge, an eyewitness, and the family and friends of the bank robber. Thank you to all my students yesterday. We had many complements on how wonderful our students were and how well behaved our classes are. What a wonderful learning day!

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