Monday, September 5, 2011

Classroom Pictures

I am looking forward to meeting all my new students Wednesday!!
Here is a sneak peek into our classroom.
Word Wall and Helpful Clocks
Daily 5 ICharts will be going here. I actually have Daily 5 (Plus 1...Tec Time)
This is part of my classroom library. After many years of searching I found a system that works VERY WELL! All our books are organized in a bin by topic and labeled with a number. The books in the bins have the bin number on the back of the book. This way all my students know where to put the books back. I got this idea from an organizational video on the Daily 5 CAFE website.

  In this area I keep all of my leveled books that I use for strategy groups and guided reading.

My kidney table serves many purposes in our classroom. Sitting on my table is Professor trustee assistant (He will also be posting on our blog during the year). Behind our table is our CAFE board. We will be displaying our reading strategies here throughout the year. Students will also tell me what they are working on by placing their number stick in the strategy cup.

Against this wall I have my focus board for our weekly story and the grammar/vocabulary/spelling skills that correspond (Scott Foresman Series). Next to that I have my Math Wall  which has counting club and a word wall that will be filled as the year goes. The blue bins (left) hold word work materials and the other blue bins hold math manipulatives.

I like to post all the books we read together as a class on sentence strips. We display them on the wall. It's neat to see the wall filled at the end of the year. Next to it I have my calendar. We use it mostly as reference because we do calendar on our SMART Board. 
Our Meeting Area & My Desk - I found that there was no need for a large desk. I rather have more space for my students. I have seen teachers use their kidney table as a desk, which is also a great space saver idea.

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